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INSIGHT - April 2021


We are excited to announce INSIGHT series on our blog. INSIGHT will give glimpses of what we are working on, new releases coming your way and updates on our achievement every month. We always believe in keep our community up-to-date about us and what we do. INSIGHT will also help us keep a check on our progress in achieving our aim. We sincerely hope that you enjoy this series and it gives you an insight into what we believe.

INSIGHT April 2021

Our accomplishments

This month we renovated our website to make it more exciting and informative. Our old website was outdated and lacked a lot of information that was necessary to be made available to the audience. Moreover it lacked the DICOT element. We like to keep things simple and concise. The new website represents us truly. We also launched this blog as it is powerful medium of communication, to communicate with our users and community. This blog serves a lot of other purposes like strengthening our presence in the industry, keeping track of our activities, keeping clients updated with the latest updates. This month we also upgraded our internet infrastructure to support our users. We now have a better quality of cloud platform and internet infrastructure.

Coming up


We are working on a lot of products as of now. Though that doesn't mean we are stopping our support to our existing products. Here is an highlight of what you can expect by the end of the next month:

Vision Web

Vision Web logo


As you might have noticed we have put up a lot of links to Vision Web which are yet to be populated, on our new website. We are soon going to launch Vision Web, an online extension of Vision C. Using Vision Web you will be able to access all your data from Vision C from anywhere. If all goes as planned we are looking to launch the beta version this month.

Vision IoT

Vision IoT

Vision IoT will be a platform which will enable small scale industry to get their data online. Vision IoT is one of our most ambitious product after Vision Web which will transform IIoT in terms of affordability, simplicity and ability for small industry to implement IoT to boost their business and enable their workforce to work with modern technology. It is important for technology to reach these large community of small scale industry to increase the productivity of any country. This platform will work with Vision Web to create a suite of service at an affordable rate for an IIoT solution!

Feature updates in Vision C

We are looking to add at least 3 new protocols in the list. We are also looking to do some major UI changes and change in day-wise recording feature, which will record the data for each day also.

So, we are really charged up and hopeful that everything goes as planned. We excited! Are you?!!


Stay tuned!!

PS. Don't forget to subscribe to stay updated. 


Nandan Shukla


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