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Vision C Update

  The update includes: Feature Update: Record upto 2 extra parameters per display, on modbus devices. Feature Update: Support for double word modbus with different data formats Feature Update: Support for Big and Little endian for modbus based devices Moving of device address and decimal point settings to development settings Modbus now supports upto 5 decimal places Minor bug fixing: refresh the developer settings for each device Major performance optimization in history History column filter now shows the column name New Refreshed Vision C logo Major performance enhancement in Modbus communication Known bugs: Freezes sometimes upon disconnection from modbus communication

Vision C Update - Feature Update

The update includes: Unable to save recipe bug solved Recipe Start and Stop control added to recipe Auto loading last used and saved recipe added Running recipe name displayed (Only for saved recipe) Minor optimization

Vision C Update - Feature Update

The update includes: Aibus communication stability and speed increased Recipe for Aibus (Beta Feature) Overall optimization of software Known bugs in this update: No known bugs

Vision C update v2.1.15.99

 The update includes: Modbus Stability changes - old issue of repeat address bug solved Known bugs in this update: No known bugs

Vision C update version

 The update includes: Modbus Stability changes Optimized operations UI bugs fixed Known bugs in this update: Issues in communication when two devices with same address are added

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